Digital Transformation

When people hear ‘Digital Transformation’ most people think expense and a whole lot of disruption managing systems, vendors, and transitions all whilst maintaining a view on the overall goal.

Put quite simply, digital transformation moving away from paper-based or manual processes and digitising these processes so that staff, clients and other key stakeholders can have better access to use and collaborate on quality information. It does not mean that this should be led by the IT department.

At Veev we work with our client’s’ organisation as a whole – digital transformations need business representation, input from those who are going to access the information regularly (including your clients!), executive sponsorship, and the supply of IT service expertise. All these elements are required to deliver a successful program, if they are imbalanced or one-sided, then attempting a digital transformation may be pointless.

No one size fits all but our approach includes:

  • Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of current IT systems, business processes, and stakeholder requirements across various departments and global locations.
  • Vendor Evaluation and Selection: Engage in a rigorous vendor evaluation process to identify partners capable of delivering scalable solutions tailored to our clients’ needs. This involved assessing vendor capabilities, product offerings, support services, and alignment with industry standards.
  • Pilot Projects: Implement pilot projects across different streams to validate technology solutions, assess feasibility, and mitigate risks before full-scale deployment. This iterative approach allowed for adjustments based on real-world testing and user feedback.
  • Change Management: Implement a robust change management strategy to facilitate smooth adoption of new technologies, minimise disruption to operations, and maximise employee engagement and productivity.
  • Project Governance: Establish a dedicated project governance structure with regular progress reviews, milestone tracking, and risk management to ensure timely delivery and adherence to budgetary constraints.
  • Training and Development: Provide comprehensive training programs and resources to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to leverage new technologies effectively.

Ask us how we can help you on your digital transformation journey today